Well even though the poll seems to be changing now, within the first couple days most people voted for me to finish Civil Protection first, so that's what I've been doing. In breaking my usual trend, I'm releasing a few details about the next episode. They're not a lot, but for an episode that's only a few minutes long, I can't reveal too much without spoiling things. I'm probably going to call this next episode "Morning Patrol". It'll be about average length, take place in City 17, and you'll get to see a little bit more of the HL2 world in it. It's definitely not one of my more spectacular episode ideas, but I think it's the most well-rounded one I've produced so far. Here's a preview shot of it:

If you're a fan of other CP episodes, I think it's very likely you'll enjoy this next one. While I'm extremely happy with how it's coming out, I don't want people to think it's going to be most magnificent episode that's ever been produced. It has been a long time since the last episode, but I've been working on many other things besides Civil Protection.
I get a fair chunk of hate mail from people who are angry at me for not producing episodes faster. Most of these people don't seem to possess any sense of perspective or logic, but for those that do, I'd like to elaborate a little more on this. The biggest barrier to me producing more episodes of Civil Protection is animation time. While sometimes I don't mind, much of the time I HATE animating. While I have been getting some help, that's been a mixed bag. Pretty much everyone who assists with animation right now prefers to work or only has time to work on one aspect of production. While this has undeniably increased the quality of the episodes being produced in areas, it's questionable how much time savings there have been. This is to say nothing of people who for different reasons, have had to abandon work on episodes. The past episode and the one I'm currently working on were both written in such a way to make it easy for additional animators to help out. In both cases, multiple people bailed and I ended up filling in a lot of the gaps for animation. I never would have started this particular episode idea next if I had known that was going to happen.
Believe it or not, I get more frustrated than anyone else that I can't produce episodes faster. I'm overflowing with ideas and am totally confident I haven't gotten to the best ones yet. I sincerely wish I could afford to hire someone to help me animate in the Source engine. I would LOVE to unload almost all aspects of animating the episodes to someone else or other people; though I haven't come across anyone who can animate in the programs Face Poser and Hammer and has the same time and drive to devote to it. I can't blame anyone for not wanting to either, I hate that aspect of it myself.
For fans of Freeman's Mind:
I promise the production rate will pick up a lot as soon as the next CP episode is done. Some of you may recall I promised an increase in episode production late last year and that actually did happen. They have still been relatively few and far between because Freeman's Mind hasn't been my main focus. However since far more people have become interested in it than I would have anticipated, I plan to make that my new priority soon. In addition to devoting more time towards it, I'm planning to move soon to where I can record at any time without disturbing people. Right now I can only record during certain windows of time without disturbing my neighbors, which limits how fast I can produce episodes. I know many of you may not believe me, but I can promise the production rate is going to become much, much faster than for FM than ever before.
You should take your time, it's not about quantity. It's about quality, and all of your stuff has been at the utmost quality.
Although if FM is easier to make, then I don't mind. Since I love both FM and CP.
I can't wait for the next Civil Protection or Freema'ns Mind! Their both so deliciously awesome that it makes my mouth froth with anticipation.
Whoops, forgot to finish my last comment.
-that it makes my mouth froth with anticipation thinking about how spectacular they're going to be. Keep up the good work.
And I meant Freeman's. Not Freema'ns.
Well said.
Really looking forward for the next CP episode, just re-watched all the episodes and had a good laugh, thank you.
Ross you are doing an awesome job and take as long as you need to achieve the production value you are striving for.
To all the hate mailers and complainers, here's an idea. If you really feel the need to complain about how long an episode is taking you must first donate at least 5$ to Ross. If you aren't willing to spend that 5$ then you aren't allowed to contact him with your negative vibes. This will either reduce the amount of lame messages or, at least, make Ross a bit of needed cash. Any takers, hopefully not.
(I realize that nobody will actually do this but it is still something for all the cry babies to think about)
Ben: Actually that's a big part of the reason I don't ask for donations. Considering how mad some people get now, I can only imagine how angry people would be if they had money invested.
Im sure theres many people out there who would do the animating for you for free, if i were you id talk to people who are working on big mods like Black Mesa or Opposing Force 2, im sure they know animators.
That is pretty ridiculous that people actually complain. You do good work, and it does suck that you don't have a lot of help. If there was a way for you to get the word out that you need help, I'm sure there would be plenty of people, (assuming they aren't posers and lack a life thereof) who would help you out. Keep up the good work, and get it done whenever you get it done!
Hey Ross don't let the whining assholes get to you. They have no right to be pissed because you're taking too long for them. I say all of you impatient cockroaches who can't wait for something quality that is FREE need to go to hell. Make your own FM if you can't wait, just don't post it on youtube cuz it will suck!
Take your time Ross.
I love you Ross.
I can't believe you have to put up with that shit. I really thought your fans weren't all retards.
Ugh. You need more "happy" mail.
I would help if I knew about the source engine lol.
GAH! Stupid people!
And so begins the spamming of Ross with a buch of love mail...
In all serieousness though, you do great work. And to do it for people who can be a bit ungrateful at times is really big of you. Keep it up!
I agree with what WJUK says, quality over quantity. I've noticed this in the music industry too; many of the good musicians take about 3 years per album, whereas crappy ones take far far less time. I'm MUCH happier with the 3 CDs I have of my favorite artist being what they are, than having 10 crappy ones.
That is odd about the poll, how it's flipped around the past few days.
PS - I like the screenshot!!!
MAN! I am pretty mad I don't know much about the Source engine. I would help in any way, but I'm afraid I don't know much. Well I'm very excited for the new CP episode! I like the idea of forming a story in the episodes. It would be something like Red vs Blue (And I'm not a Halo player) That's a pretty funny series too. Oh yeah, I found some pills :) Let me just take a handful, then I can own all teh zombies :P *takes pills, starts foaming at mouth* *drops dead*
Funny that people would be angry at you for taking forever when you are one guy working on every aspect of the episodes mostly on your own.
I've tried making levels in source before, and put many hours of work into designing alone, then working on triggers, and my materials didn't come out great in the end because I have had no help by anyone specializing in any particular area. You produce great quality videos and do most of it on your own, it shouldn't come as a surprise to people that it takes months to do one episode.
Keep up the good work, patience is a virtue.
I've honestly never really gotten into Civil Protection but you talking about the production of the episode and then providing small previews has piqued my interest and I think I will check out this episode when it is released. Perhaps other people also feel that more previews, screen caps, etc would be nice?
Hate mail? I'm not sure if they've thought it through. I'm tried animating before, I quit pretty quickly, then again, I would probably be more devoted to machinima as it's a passion of mine. Either way they should be thanking you, after all you don't need to do it in the first place. Can't wait to see your future Ideas.
There's my rant,
Zac 117
Nice to see that your are doing more material of the main characters in their normal setting (if that is what it's going to be).
By the way, if you wan't I can e-mail all of those complainers and tell the to #¤/?!#¤%. I mean you are going totally free and high quality entertainment and the have the nerv to be complaining. There are three kind of people in this world; the good, the evil and those who don't know any better.
Hello. Ross I wish I could help , I am a bit familiar with animation from Blender 3d, 3ds max , poser etc
but I have no experience with Hammer or source engine
Maybe someday I will be able to get the 100 $ worht of your tutorials from NOESIS and then would be glad to help.
Ross, since you have 2 tutorials DVD, is there a way you can publish 10-15 mins worth of tutorials to help us help you
I can't believe people actually send you hate mail about production times...what a pack of idiots! Anyway don't let them get you down, just know that for every moron that send you hate mail you have about 50 fans who actually appreciate what you do, enjoy what you do, understand that it takes time, and actually have cognitive capacity comparable to a human being and not a summer squash! Keep up the good work (no matter how long it takes :P)
I'm glad i see some good comments backing you up, you have done some magnificent work both with CP and FM do whatever you would like to do and take it easy so it can reflect in your work. I personally prefer FM but it wouldn't bother me if you completely stopped doing it and only release CP , its really good material, keep it up (but slowly if you want) we love your work
Fushapa: Well it definitely takes time to do things right, but I feel like it could be more efficient than things are now. Plus even if it took as long, it would free up time for me to work on other things as well.
Tourettes: I have tons of ideas for longer storylines, but since production takes so long, I've been hesitant to work on them, since that would mean an even longer gap in releases.
Gamechamp: Yeah, it does strike me as kind of bizarre that people like my videos enough to email me insults about not creating more of them. On the other hand, I can appreciate people's frustrations about these not coming out faster.
IRAMightyPirate: Well the thing about that is I don't like releasing material unless I'm getting close to completion, otherwise it feels too much like a tease. I have 2 additional partially completed episodes I could release material to, but they've been in limbo for a long time. I hold stuff back because I don't want people to be frustrated any more than necessary.
AleksanderK: Actually only the Choreography tutorial pertains to animation. I'd actually be willing to teach somebody most of this stuff if they were really committed on it. It's more a matter of time, interest, and patience rather than existing skill level.
Oh lawdy lawdy. I can hardly wait to see myself sum CP.
u never cease to make me laugh my ass off in both you machinima series and i hope the next episodes will be filled with hilarious,close-realistic(i dont know the word or phrase so ya.)actions and or commentary
:D btw the quality of the clips u make is exceedingly marvelous.
also to your haters, we may need to individually engrave their names to 50.cal bullets just i case :D
-arius 13 year old kid :D
I personally agree with WJUK. I love what you do. some days, can sit and watch what you do for hours. I may not be an artist or a cartoonist, but i am a comdean to my friends and sometimes i need a little time. i could careless if the next episode of cp or fm to the remander of the year, just as it is good. by the way, when ever i get compliants about something, i don't listen to them. i don't let them get in my way.
also, i just want to say thanks. you do a lot of things for what? i don't know but it probaly not much. when ever i watch something, ether fm or cp, it funny. but i don't know why you do it. it is a great thing that there are people like you that spend there free time putting smiles on peoples faces, and for that, i tank you.
and also, i would love to help out but i don't how to do it. also, how much ram do you need to do some of the tasks?
Try not to give the hate mailers the satisfaction of knowing that they're getting to you. It only gets worse once they know they have power over you.
As for the slow pace of the work, I understand perfectly; and if you ever need anyone to help out, I know Faceposer pretty well, and I know Hammer pretty much inside and out.
I'm also willing to work just for the experience and credit.
i have not commented for a while but i still love your work.
it is not at all surprising people are sending you hate mail. you do this for the fans for FREE and yet many complain and want more.
Some people should realize that your not just doing this for us(the fans) but also doing this for yourself.
I can only support morally and I really wish that moral support is enough.
dont listen to those who gripe about how long it takes! doing rendering and animation is a difficult process, AND it takes time to get something just right (i have a hard time just doing a simple bowl lol XD). the TRUE FANS of the series will not mind waiting I think, because they know how much time and effort are needed to go into something as epic as Freemans Mind and Civil Protection. I know I have no problem with waiting for them, it gives me something to look forward to, if you just throw them together to fast they would NEVER be as awesome as they are now.
and i read on one of the comments you have ideas for longer story lines...GO FOR IT! if it means more epicness i will GLADLY wait for it! :D.
SO, take your time with it! dont end up getting stressed out over them, because that wouldnt be good now would it ^^.
Ross i love your work, and i don't mind the times because when the episodes are finally out i love them. you can have all the time in the world as far as i am concerned. keep up the great work!
How exactly can you disturb people when making an episode?
Hey Ross, 1st off, thanks for the teaser! Love the screenie! Honestly, I prefer CP over FM - though I love them both! It's kind of like frosted mini-wheats... the grownup in me loves the more advanced bantering of Mike and Dave... but the kid in me loves the borderline homicidal internal dialog that Gordon never had before you came along! Keep up the great work, follow your own inspiration. And to all the haters out there... freakin' grow up, or start your own machinima projects! Let the man work already... it's not like you're paying him for it!!!
PS - shameless plug... more CP! ;-)
CP and FM are simply awesome. My wife and I watch the episodes together and let me tell you: We laugh a lot. Pure joy!
Ignore all the haters, and just work at your own pace. Life is short, so don't waste time on stupid people.
Thank you for both CP and FM. :o)
I'm excited to see Civil Protection too though.
I certainly don't need to say anymore about the hate mailers, but I love the look of that snapshot! Awesome map with widescreen and high quality resolution... I am so looking forward to this one.
Surprise. People are assholes.
Seriously though, just ignore the bastards, and do whatever you actually want - this isn't a paid service, nor a charity.
however long it takes is fine. Your shows are hilarious. Have you thought about merchandising to raise money. Like T-shirts or a mug with the mike and dave on it?
I meant mike and dave not THE mike and dave
Well, I have said it before and I will say it again:
It's easy to be a critic on the internet.
When you don't have to say something to a person's face, it's a lot easier to bitch and complain about stuff. I'm sure if they were to see you in person, they would back-track faster than a speeding bullet.
I say that you should send out a challenge to every hate-mailer: if they can come up with a machinima movie with even half the production value of civil protection in less time, then they win a prize of some sort. Or just the right to bitch.
Seriously, I'd chip in $10 to any hate mailer who can come up with a quality machinima video like Civil Protection in less time. Who's with me? LOL
Don't think much about FM fans, ur first project was CP, so it should be the MAIN project. FM is good, but its in no way better, than CP.
Personally I think that CP and FM both offer something different, and neither one is "better". I would not chose either of them over the other.
I just realized I wasn't very clear in the last part of my comment. What I meant was that I wouldn't choose either to be prioritized over the other. I think you should finish the CP episode before making another FM.
I think it's outrageous that viewers would complain about the time it takes to make an episode.
To those people: why don't you try writing, animating and voicing a hilarious piece of machinima and see how much hard work and dedication it takes? You're getting it for nothing, you have no right to be bitchy to Ross. What are you trying to do? Piss him off so much that he abandons it because in return for his great work all he gets is crap?
Ross, you're doing an awesome job, and from many of these comments, be assured that your fans are not all ungrateful little shits. It'll take as long as it takes.
That really depresses me that you get hate mail. You're doing a great job and doing it for free.
Do you have any way to accept donations, this has inspired me to give you one if possible.
Either email me on mike@mikearthur.co.uk or just put a new blog post up about donations if you sort something out.
Thanks for the news Ross =)
He is providing funny content without demanding anything in return. Unless a fee comes up he can take all the time he wants to make his videos. I'm looking forward to new episodes of Freeman's Mind and Civil Protection, but I can wait a number of weeks patiently. When Ross Scott says its done, its done.
Dude, take your time. There's no rush.
But I had a thought when you said you wanted to hire someone for the source engine. Why don't you set up a donation thing.
I bet loads of people would be winning to give you some money to help you with these awesome videos of yours.
Well Ross, concerning the hate mail, I have a suggestion. You could have 2 email adresses (I wouldn't be surprised if you already had 2 email adresses). One for all the crap you get, and one for anything worthwile. It can be a very effective method for avoiding any mail you don't want to get. And if you keep getting hate mail, just remember that the people who send it can't think of a good idea to save their life. You have the skill to make an awesome series, and they lack the creativity to make anything as professional as you do. Plus, if they're not going to help make it go faster, then they have no right to complain. Anyway, keep up the good work on both CP and FM.
(also, I really hope you're able to add a storyline to the episodes of CP. The screenshot alone looked awesome)
Forget the neighbors! let them suffer! lol jk take your time because I would rather wait an extra week for a good episode of FM than a real crappy episode of FM
Ross, I would be glad to help you in the Source SDK bits of animating. Give me a ringading sometime if you want me to do some faceposing and hammering (lol)
hay i think when black mesa:s comes out you try fm in that
Patience is your friend!!!!
BMS will not be for a year or 2 i heard from a friend that its 70% done witch im guessing another 12 months
You should stop production, and hate-mail back, the hate-mailers. :D
Now, talking serious. You do not owe this to any one. Take your time, and don't forget to keep those amazing ideas you talk about noted somewhere. :P
sorry for any mistakes in the spelling. Portuguese fan! :D
Dude, no stress ;D dont let those haters influence you, those people arnt fans of your work! the focus on FM sounds n1ce, and i hope you have as much fun as we have watching your episodes xP
These guys are right, quality over quantity. That's starting to get me worried about L4D2, it hasn't been a year since the first game's release. So are things coming along good? I know that modeling and that type of sh*t is probably hard. Well, I just wanted to say thanks for replying to my comment. So forming a story may have to weight, maybe after FM? I've looked and it seems you have about 15 more episodes to go. I don't want to seem impatient, but just a thought. Well, good luck w/ CP and FM. Have a great summer! W00T
Take all the time you need, man, it always ends up being worth the wait.
Geez! People actually sending hate mail for FREE entertainment? Since when did CP and FM become constitutional rights?
Keep up the good work! You always end up doing a good job. Don't worry about quick release. Do what you got to do to make it correctly.
"Geez! People actually sending hate mail for FREE entertainment? Since when did CP and FM become constitutional rights?"
When some machinimimas created scheduled release. And by some, I mean RvB. Not that I mind, it's just that a lot of people think that if one good machinima episode can be done in a week or two, then an even better one can be done in less time *cough*logicfail*cough*.
"Well, it seems the people giving you hate mail don't seem to understand that they need to find several things to entertain themselves, because the fastest any machinima is produced is at least once a week.
I found several things to occupy my time, but Freeman's Mind and Civil Protection are the diamonds in the rough for me at least. Even though the other things I watch to entertain myself are not nearly as good as FM and CP, they're still entertaining.
(I was going to say that they need to get a life, but I would be insulting many people reading this including myself)
I think you should take your time making the episodes, because it makes them that much better.
Still, take as much time as you need, and tell your hate-writers to f**k off (or just write a rant telling them how difficult it is [to maintain thermal status] to make new episodes, and just copy/paste it to each one, just an idea).
Jeez, what kind of jerks would send you HATE MAIL about that crap? I can't even understand a world where it's cool to say "This guy isn't producing free things for me FAST ENOUGH!"
Take all the time you need, dude. It'll all be better if you don't rush it anyway. Personally I'm more of a Freeman's Mind fan, but I still like Civil Protection, so I'm cool whichever way you want to go.
Don't listen to hate mail, because it's almost always bullshit.
A few of my friends may be able to hel pyou with animation let me know if you interested
Quality is more important then the amount of episodes produced anyway.
Can't wait for the next CP to come out!
At some point I will have forgotten about FM and CP. Then, when I least expect it (because I forgot), my rss reader will surprise me with the release of an episode. That's the kind of surprise I like :).
The first thing I found from you was an episode from Freeman's Mind which made me want to watch them all because I enjoyed it so much. Then I found Civil Protection and thought this is completely different and also so good! I can't decide which one I like the most. Your productions are awesome man. I can live with waiting just to watch your short films. On the poll I decided to vote for Civil Protection because it's mostly finished. By the way, I loved your episode "Oil's Well". It was right on.
I've tried animating in Faceposer and Hammer myself, needless to say I don't have the patience.
The work that goes into it is intense.
People getting angry over no recent episodes, its not his job to entertain you, its like they're demanding a new product of a hobby.
I bet Ross would be able to say "Hey, I'll stop going to my job so I can work on CP! Psh, who needs food!?"
That is logical reasoning.
If you like Freeman so much, ask yourself, WWFD?
He would stop complaining.
Thats what he'd do.
Oh god, the vote is odscenely tight at the moment.
hey man take all the time you need. better to have a really awsome episode than a eh okay episode. Also the people that complain about the time they apparently dont understand how much time and effort is put into the videos.
Good luck.
In regards to ANYone who has a problem with the length of time it takes you to release an episode of CP or FM, they can eat a dick. You are doing this of your own free will in your free time; you don't owe us anything. I am of the mentality that anyone who has a problem waiting and feels that you should pump out episodes for them, they should create their own show and shut the fuck up.
Yo mate, i hear what you're saying about the hatemail, i used to work on a few things myself, i used to animate using flash and was pretty good at it. but when you dont get something out soon, all the pricks who think you owe them your status come out of the woodwork.
the next cp episode sounds nice, can't wait to see it, though i'll admit it, i voted freeman :P
Ross it is really taking too long. There has been no new cp episode this year and we the viewers deserve ...
what this person is trying to say is.. take all the time you need. Every episode is always worth the wait.
Do what you love. If you are happy, then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about production rate. Though I hope I can still offer poorly thought out suggestions. ;)
People may ask for things, but since they aren't paying you, really I wouldn't have even wasted the time to type up that remark about the complaints You should send them a link to a movie clip of Hans Gruber from Die Hard:
"Thank you, Mr. Cowboy, I'll take it under advisement. Hit it, again.
Personally I prefer Freemans Mind, but thats just an opinion. You should work on whatever you want to work on and people really have no right to send you hatemail, even if it is logical or not. Your giving entertainment for free, the recent vids you already gave us should be enough for us, I'm just grateful your so determined to keep working at both of them. >.>
Good luck with the episode! Ignore all the hatemail-you got much more fans than haters. :)
"Actually, me and my friend are planning on making a machinima (Halo 3), do you have any advice you could pass along to us about directing, producing, and/or writing one? Any advice would be nice.
Also, even though these people sending you hate-mail need a huge reality check, it's still not polite to not respond, as some people have suggested. As I said before (look for the "), you can just write something to answer all questions once, then copy&paste it to all the people sending complaints.
Looking forward to new CP and FM, but take as much time as you need.
Ross, I not sure if you are aware, but FPSBanana is a great source of talent, there are a lot of people over there that do great work with almost every aspect of gaming (including mapping and modelling in Source). I myself love using hammer and have created a few small CS:S maps. However the FPSBanana site is currently down at the moment. :(
Hope this helps in some way.
Keep up the amazing work. :D
I read all your comments and I'm just picking some in paritcular to respond to. Thanks to everyone offering positive commentary. Part of the reason I don't reply to everyone is that it takes time away from working episodes, so I try to find some balance.
raiders12495: Well Freeman's Mind is definitely something I do for the fans. I think it has limited scope, but if people keep wanting more of it, I'll make it. As for Civil Protection I haven't nearly tapped the ideas I have and I get personal satisfaction from being able to manifest some of my ideas, it's something I would want to do in some fashion even if I only had a very small audience. As for RAM, I'm not sure. I made earlier episodes of CP with about 1GB, but you could probably do a lot of work with less, depending on the episode.
Nochtjaeger: Well email me at rosswscott@gmail.com. There are already great people helping out in specific areas, but a more rounded ability could be extremely helpful.
Austin: I don't know, it kind of blows my mind too. I would have expected people to be disappointed at most, not outright angry.
Sean: It's the sort of thing I might consider in the future, but I'm nowhere near the amount of episodes I would want to produce before I'd consider "enterprising" something like this.
Crazy Cal: A weekly production rate is totally plausible for something like RvB or FM because neither of those has the same level of animation quality as something like CP or Snacky's Journal if you seen that. That's the main thing I'd like people who are critical of the turnover rate to understand.
MrFranky: I love FPSBanana for maps, but I'll consider it in the future for other people helping as well.
Damn! So many comments already and nothing new to say for me left! Life's unfair!
I'll love to say that you shouldn't care about hate-mail since it's worthless lot, nothing else, but someone already said something like that!
I would like to say that you are doing great work and that IS first and foremost for yourself, for your own creative satisfaction and not for those leeches but someone already said that. Right?
But y'know. You can't have too much love, riiiight? ;D
Rofl, I basically said all of that, but I'm pretty sure someone said it before me. Posting a comment meaning basically the same thing isn't bad, it just means to Ross that more people care >.>
Finally i can't wate for CP this is what got me cought into you seriess so yea. Fremens mind can wate i deserve moar!!! LOL
Yay for more Freeman!
That crazy bastard stole people's hearts.
Hi Ross,
I appreciate the time and effort you put into your vids. I'm a big FM fan mainly because of the commentary. It always makes me laugh. I just wish I had 1000 computers to swing the vote again.
It is a good day when you release a new one but the adage good things come to those that wait rings very true here.
are u going to make freeman's mind until the end of half life 1 or are you going to continue into half life 2
To all the hate mailers and complainers: **** you all.
Ross Scott I have a true story for you about people complaining.
People will complain about anything:
There was a used/new clothing store in an area I used to live called "Frenchies". This store used to get clothing from many manufactures with slight imperfections and sell them for about 90% off.
On the 25th year this store had a special "sale". The first $25 worth of clothes bought are free, the most amazing part, if you had 20$ worth of clothes you didn't even have to spend a penny. (The owner was a pretty amazing person.)
Well a women comes up to the cash, and the cashier starts ringing her in; During the transaction one of the sport coats came up to $5 the women shopper asked the cashier how much that was again. The cashier answered her and told the women it was 5 dollars. The women said she wouldn't take it for that price. The cashier said her total even with the jacket was only 22$ so it was free. The women refused...She said it was a ridiculous price and there was no way it's worth 5$.
The cashier tried to tell her again, "but it's free Ma'am." The women wouldn't budge; she said she doesn't want it and that "...this store is a rip off." The women walked off with her free clothing, except for the sports coat of course...
I know this is a random question... but do you have any pictures of yourself on the internet? It would be cool to see what you look like.
Well, Ross, seeing as how a lot of your fans really support you, don't care about how long production takes, and hate the hate mail with you, I'd say you're in a pretty good spot. You've got a good group of patient fans waiting, all posting their support here. As for the hate-mailers, I'm sure they've never even thought to come to this site (or heard of it for that matter). Maybe so they understand the process a little better, you should record yourself doing some of the animation. Then they might calm down.
(also, in response to tourettes, I'd kinda like to know what you look like, too. I always picture you looking like Gordon Freeman) :P
Who dares to bitch at what comes for free from fans!!! It's ready when it's ready.
Ive watched FM and CP since they came out and they are dam close to the best machinima's Ive ever seen. Dont worry if you take to long. Id rather have 10 really interesting videos in a year that 37 crappy ones. Just ignore every one whos bitching and worry about your work.
Nate and tourettes... check out the archives from March of '08... Ross does look a bit like Gordon Freemanz.
Or, surf straight to the pics...
Wow,You're getting a bunch of fans...Who cant wait for further Productions..
BTW Is there any news about the new website???
Thanks,Take Care Ross!!!
I don't care how long I have to wait. As long as its funny, it's good. Thank you.
No one makes them like you do, Ross. Take as much time as you require and remember, we all appriciate what your doing.
Keep going strong, Ross. We can wait.
I'd certainly like to see the next CP episode and it wouldn't make much sense to start the next FM episode when you're relatively close to completing the former. Take your time, most of us prefer quality over quantity.
(Incidentally, my vote for finishing the next CP episode set the results to EXACTLY 45% (1843 votes) for both options, the other 10% going to the third option. How bizarre is that?)
Hate Mail from the audience, that sux. People need to understand that we're lucky he's making anything, theres definetly no reason to be pestering him. Not only is he not getting paid to do this, he's spending his own valuble time to let us view his work. So calm down and stop the pestering or w/e.
Mr. Scott, Do you have another job other than making machinimas?
Mr. Scott has something to do with a university on the east coast (I do not want to say it because I wouldn't know if he would like me to). Whether he is a student or professor, understand that he is busy. You never know what people on the internet do in their real life.
You shoud paid!
Here's a list of questions for Ross Scott:
Do you have a facebook?
what game consol do you use for Freemans Mind and or Civil Protection
If you use an XBOX 360 and have Xbox live please tell me your gamertag. My yahoo address is flyingpig9014@yahoo.com
I always wondered if you were disturbing your neighbours with your excellent Freeman ranting :D
Ross, what is the most difficult part of making an Episode? It evidently isn't the ideas department =). Is it the choregraphy or the actual finding the right animation to go somewhere? Also, How big must your hard drive be to have all those recordings!?!
"Please answer Ross PLEASE"
He doesn't use an XBOX 360. There is no Source SDK for the 360. He uses a PC, the best gaming platform there is! But he might have a gamertag, idk. BTW, I just got killing floor today, I really recommend it for anyone who likes owning zombies. If anyone wants to play w/ me, my steam ID is "ihavetourettes", without the "s. I also have L4D, and TF2. PLEASE! I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO LOVE ME! TO HOLD ME LIKE MOTHER DID! waaaaa.... sorry.
Hey Ross, do you get paid for doing this?
my body lies over the ocean
my body lies over the sea
I'm no good at astral projection
so bring back my body to me
Hey Ross,
I'm not surprised that you get hate mail, because it seems there will always be ignorant ass-h***s who've no respect, no life but to pester someone else, usually because their demented brain is in-capable of civil thought!
The amount of random hate-comments on a wide arrange of videos on YouTube speaks volumes about the human mind in some people :P...
In any-case, ignore those hate mongrels, those without patience and have no way to express their impatience other than the occasional hate rant!
Take all the time you need. Love the series of both Civil and FM, just try not to juggle both at the same time, that's my advice ;)
As everyone else says, quality over quantity, and you certainly seem to favor quality, as do we all, well, sane ones do :P
Keep up the good work!!!
I know it's early and all... but will you be doing freeman's mind all the way through to HL2 episode 3?
It's a shame you can't produce more faster, but people shouldn't send you hate mail; after all you aren't REQUIRED to do this.
Take your time, I mean, I'll be glad to wait for quality episodes, it's much better than having poorly-made episodes done in two days. Seriously! And I'm not mad at you for being "slow" at all. To emphasize it, I'll say it again: Take your time.
Just take your time, people are b*tching, because they like your work and cant wait, me included. I just loOoove Dave, Mike and Freemans brain... :)
Take your time, as long as your working on new material, that's all I care about. I love your work, keep it up!
Ha, I have NO problem with the wait, I used to produce stop motion animations by myself (because my partners bailed) and it took me months for everything. You just want to do everything all at once and it can get pretty frustrating when you have to work on something so small that holds up everything else.
Whoever sends hate mail to their HERO must be an idiot, you are amazing not only for the quality of your episodes but your creativity (which is godly), determination and just the amount of time you put into something like this.
I would love to help you and be a part of something like this, I would be able to devote 2-3 hours a day.... but I have zero experiance with Source...
Just in case I didn't say this enough (and I really can't), you produce amazing work and your real fans shouldn't have a problem waiting for your work.
Hey, Ross! I really love all your work, and appreciate the time put into it! Don't mind the stupid people, who probably never did anything themselves :]. Now to serious business... I hope I won't bother to much asking, how is work on your new website going? I'm already always visiting accursed farms, hoping not to get redirected to this blog :). And again, don't worry about complains. We're already very grateful to have the series ;). And everyone should find something else to do, while waiting. I'm, for example, drowning in Dredg music. The newest album is so yummi :)
don't take any of the pressure to ur head, just relax and make watever you feel like making. everything u make is funny and i look forward to anything u can make
To Jack: No, he doesn't get paid. I believe Civil Protection is the least of series currently getting financial attention. However, he does get some percentage of money when somebody orders a 'Machinima Cinematography' guide from Noesis, and he's looking into Freeman's Mind production in the future, but Civil Protection, although the most difficult to work and higher budget series so far, appears to get nothing. :P
How would recording disturb your neighbourghs?
Ross, take a step back and look at this. You have 117 pior comments to this comment (two of them mine). There are probably thousands morewho agree with us. if you don't believe that, than ask around. these people who send you hate mail, don't understand the process of face poser and hammer. the just think you say something into a computer and ... BAM! you have your next episode of CP. Or you make up everthing for FM on the spot. you have more fans than haters. you just take your time on what ever you need to. just don't worry about, take your time. oh, don't take this the wrong way, or anybodyfor this matter, when do you think you will have the new CP out?
Never have another rant. You are giving the hate mailers want they want. they want you to know that they have you. they think you are weak.
Now to end on a possitive note, don't listen to thoose stupid basstards that send you the hate mail. they are probably forty year old virgins still living with their parents and have no lives what so ever. So as they say in cheeper by the dosen 2, "keep your chin up ... ang charge the mound."
Keep up the good work.
Yes please do take your time! I love your work, just ignore the haters. <3
You work is fantastic, I can't get enough. Slow, late, whatever. I can wait, just don't get discouraged.
As an aside, I keep finding reasons to sing your "alternate rail road song" with my friends, trying to get my voice more monotone, broken and downtrodden with each verse.
Thanks again, and just ignore idiots that don't know good things take time.
Pfft, you should take your time so you can be proud of the product your produce. I don't mind waiting for CP and FM, since you've never put out crap.
I wish I could help you along, but all I can offer is my moral support.
Ross, as you can see you have a lot of support. So don't worry about what others have to say, we the sane people on the internet appreciate your work still.
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