Well here's the second and possibly last episode of Freeman's Mind. Despite the majority of people liking it, I don't like having to make everything a monologue and then time it to the footage. It's going to be a while because I have a lot of other work to do, but the next video I plan to release will be another Civil Protection episode. I hope to have the website updated and subtitles up before that however. Oh and for those who wonder about the term Freeman uses in this video, it's "quantum chromodynamic gauge invariant Lagrangian"
Low Quality version (Youtube)
High Quality version (83MB WMV)
Nice work Ross, I really like your Freeman's mind series.
I'm anticipating your new CP episode and new updates in your blog.
Keep it up! :D
Although it's sad that you're not happy with "Freeman's Mind," I agree that you should stick with "Civil Protection"; I truly believe that it's the next "Red vs. Blue".
Well you said it was hard timing your monologue? Well in windows movie maker you can narrate the video while its playing so that may be helpful... Though i do have to admit i would much rather see more Civil Protection, no offense i love freeman's mind but Mike and Dave and are just so funny!
I think you killed machinima.com...
last episode, aww i was looking forward to seeing how you did the gameplay stuff.
Freeman's mind is awesome , please don't stop .cp roxs too ,if u start something don't stop till u finish it :D!
Good lord I was laughing my ass off. That episode of Freeman's mind was funny. But I think you should focus your efforts on CP, I do miss Dave and Mike,
That was awesome. You doing great with this man, keep up the good work! You said the new CP should be coming out soon. I can't wait for it!!!
Pronunciation[v. kuh m-bahyn for 1, 2, 6, kom-bahyn for 3, 7; n. kom-bahyn, kuh m-bahyn for 8, 9, kom-bahyn for 10] Pronunciation Key
- Show IPA Pronunciation verb,
-bined, -bin•ing, noun
–verb (used with object)
1. to bring into or join in a close union or whole; unite: She combined the ingredients to make the cake. They combined the two companies.
2. to possess or exhibit in union: a plan that combines the best features of several other plans.
3. to harvest (grain) with a combine.
–verb (used without object)
4. to unite; coalesce: The clay combined with the water to form a thick paste.
5. to unite for a common purpose; join forces: After the two factions combined, they proved invincible.
6. to enter into chemical union.
7. to use a combine in harvesting.
8. a combination.
9. a combination of persons or groups for the furtherance of their political, commercial, or other interests, as a syndicate, cartel, or trust.
10. a harvesting machine for cutting and threshing grain in the field.
11. The most intelligent form of life in the known galaxy.
12. Alien Race which conquered Earth and the Human race in 7-hours
dude that is an awesome series almost as good as cp and it makes for awesome filler i really hope u change ur mind and keep it goin.
hey can we get an update on when the new cp is gonna be here.the same for freemans mind if u continue it
DO NOT CANCEL FREEMAN'S MIND! It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen!I was laughing half the time! Civil Protection is really funny too! I liked "Halloween Saftey quite a bit" .
Although I do understand why you want to scrap "Freeman's mind" completely, I think you should at least keep it on as a side-side-side project. We all love it and it makes for a nice "short" in comparison to CP.
Keep the focus on CP since it is already a great series and has much potential. Then, once in a while maybe thrown in a "Freeman's mind" episode as a special or something, like the Halloween CP episode.
All I am saying is don't close up shop on FM yet, just let it be there in the deep corner of your mind and then maybe you can "surprise" us with a new episode if you felt like it.
Hilariousness incarnate! I loved both eps. I'd love to see more, but I agree that since you like CP more, focus on that instead.
I'm torn. I just watched all your work so far (all the CP's and Freeman's Mind 1 and 2) and their each great.
I'd say keep CP going, but have Freeman's mind on the "back burner" in case you burnout/get writer's block on CP and want to do something different for a while.
Either way, I'm gonna watch them. :)
I wasn't a big fan oft the first episode, but this one was really good.
I think you should at least do one more episode that ends with the accident in the lab.
Still looking forward for more CP.
Happy New Year.
Nice work, Ross. If you must, put FM on a back burner and keep CP going, as I LOVE it. FM has been wonderful too. One question- what was the techno song in this episode? lol
much better than the first FM. i didnt like the first one actually.. FM is good but CP is da best dude. keep up good work
mushroom head: I have to change the dialogue constantly depending on how much time I have to work with or else re-record a whole demo. So I may have dialogue that takes 17 seconds to say, but I only have 11 seconds to talk, I run into this problem frequently.
anonymous dude: I don't know when the next CP episode will be out, I'd say probably not before February.
Well geez for what your having to go through to make this stuff you sure are doing a great job! keep it up man!! and no not doing FM, it's THE BOMB!!!!
Man, and you got my hope's up too. I really wish you would make more of "Freeman's Mind". I have a idea, you can make Civil Protection episode, then a Freeman's Mind and then continue from there.
i have to say clonmastr! thats good idea
when is ep5 of cp supposed 2 be relesed?
Hey, I love your videos! They are amazing! I have one question, I am making a machinima that includes the metrocop model, like in your movies, and he talks. In your movies when they talk it sounds like metro cops talking, not just normal sounding voices. As if it went through the combine mask, do you know what I mean?
Oh, and in addition to my last comment, how did you create custom animations for your models? The faceposer only has like a preset thing of gestures, how do you expand past that?
"Well you said it was hard timing your monologue? Well in windows movie maker you can narrate the video while its playing so that may be helpful... Though i do have to admit i would much rather see more Civil Protection, no offense i love freeman's mind but Mike and Dave and are just so funny!"
i agree with mushroom. freemans mind may be funny, but i still miss mike and dave. i hope this isn't too big of a request for you but, mabye could you hold freemands mind ep.3 until you finish another episode of cp?
I can do you a favor: I am excellent at audio editing and i will do it for cp or fm. just give me your email and mine is pdan4.0@gmail.com email me the audio clip and tell me what to do with it. It takes me 3 hours at the most to edit audio, and 2 minutes at the least.
So a Lagrangian is whatever is left over of kinetic energy after the potential energy derived from it is used up?
Good work Ross, this Episode 2 is better then the first....when Gordon get in the computer Room and he hear the loud music...hahahahahh...
Wow Gordon is an asshole :D
I take my words back, the second episode was very funny :) But when will there be a next CP episode?
This is 'Sham'...again..
You can ignore all my other questions, besides the animation one.
I noticed in your movies your animations of your metropolice are completly smooth. How did you achieve this? When I do mine it like jumps to the animation, then jumps back. It doesn't just flow smoothly into it, like in yours.
Also, you have some animations in your movies that I didn't seein the animations tab in faceposer, how did you achieve this?
P.S. Feel free to email me at shamevertson@gmail.com if you don't want to just comment the answers.
Dude this is an awsome series, but keep on goin at "Civil Protection" and you should do "Freeman's Mind" every now and then. I think that is what would work best.
I went back to the post APPENDUM and finally read about the distinction beeteen freeman's and mike's voices. would u use the voice 4 fm in cp if mike ever took his mask off? i cant reely pictr mike or dave without masx on, i tried 2 tho, kinda groos. jk, they looked like the guy in episode 3 shadow of a doubt! lol i gess
i got a new dell now so i have like 80 gigs on my pc!!! wooooooooohoooooo, ps if u wanna see somthin' funny i found 2day, go to youtube and type stick figure kill zone, the videos are authored by this guy AVEHR or somthin' like that!
Freeman's Mind is pretty funny so far, it'd be great if you eventually did just one more covering the experiment and its immediate aftermath. Can't wait for the next Civil Protection, though. I sense the makings of a Machinima classic with that series.
freemans mind is awsome keep up the good work! XD
and make a new one there awsome!
Where is the term
"quantum chromodynamic gauge invariant Lagrangian"
coming from?
I am a studying physics at university for bachelors, and never heard of it.
Wow.Great Job.
I hope there will be at least one more freeman's mind episode, I would like to hear "Freeman's" reaction to resonance cascade and other stuff that is going around.
Also. Civil protection series are gold ,pure gold, can not wait to see more
4 some reason RED VS. BLUE's (or RvB i think it's also cald) crappy video archive dosnt work, i only see cp and fm but never RvB! i wish they made a DVD of all ther episodes. w8 up!!!!!!!! Ross, you could make a DVD with cp and fm!!!!!! (possibly) i wouldnt really know how to try and sell it without it being illegal. hmmm,,,,,, almost as if it was a pirated DVD.
You are the fucking win!
Keep up the good work Ross!
I would suggest that you concentrate on CP but do a Freeman's Mind Episode every now and then. It's really cool...
Keep making it, and then do hl2,
ep1 and ep2 and so on. Love it, great job.
This was hilarious:D,better then the first ep. But I do agree with others that you should keep working on CP and if you are late at posting CP you can throw in some FM. Great stuff man, I never saw better hl2 parody:D
sam: You have to use the ramp tool on your animations so they'll move smoothly. For 1 - 4, I swapped between Barney and the Metrocop. For 5, I'm using a custom compiled model that someone else has helped me with.
ak-47: From the wikipedia on quantum chromodynamics. I wanted Freeman to sound like he really knew his stuff. Here's the Lagrangian:
karanjhala guy: I can't sell a DVD, I'd get sued into oblivion (it's too bad, I might have enough buyers to support myself). I might eventually make an ISO you could burn and distribute that online though.
Ross...!!! Omg...!! That makes so much sense! Thank you, you are my hero man. You really are amazing with your work as well, you can really go places. Can't sell due to the fact that it's valve copyrighted material, but you could make some nice cash.
Civil Protection: Awesome work. I love it, it has inspired me to produce my new machinima series. Trouble in City 17. About a lone cop who takes on major issues throughout the half-life univers. Such as... cats.. (headcrabs).. getting stuck in trees.
You should produce One freemans mind episode for every two CP episodes. That way, you only have to focus on the Half-Life game. (I can't see fremans mind being as good in HL2, but I may be wrong.) It will appeal to all masses. And since CP was your first series, it will have the priority.
I hope that sheds some insight onto your question. Please don't discontinue freemans mind, I love it to death. If anything just delay releases for long periods of time, but keep it in production.
i didnt watched the episode yet but one thing i got to ask already...
why do you only upload the high quality version on machinima ?
its one of thw rost sites out there
adverts everywhere slow download and very many ppl also me can´t watch the movies there and always have to download them
maybe divx stage6 would be better..
Ok i finally got a blog on blogger except its not for videos. Its horror short stories i write. I know this has nothing to do with Civil Protection but I'd like fr people to visit my blog if you like a good short read. At the same time i do advertise Civil Protection on my blog (not the greatest place) only because i truly think Civil Protection will take RedvsBlue's spot in the machinima world. So if you like a good read please visit my blog at http://naraka-tales.blogspot.com/
free mind is awesome wid u ross but i think its mising dave (craig mengel)
sam: I'm leaning towards keeping FM afterall, basically as just as something to get out if a CP episode is taking way too long
pixel: Machinima.com helps me out by providing ftp space for relaying files between different people, plus it doesn't require an extra plugin to download the higher quality version the way stage6 does. They've also helped me boost exposure as there was a considerable jump in views for episode 5, despite only being in one place.
last anonymous dude: I agree, I prefer the CP episodes, they're just harder to do.
Ross, I could not stop laughing during this episode of Freemans Mind. Episode one was funny but I always thought the tram was very boring....
I hope you dont stop making this series, I would really like to see what Freeman thinks of the aliens!
You don't have much of a choice guys... not at least untill the end of peaceful part.
Hey, this was released on my birthday! :P
Personally, I don't think you should cancel "Freeman's Mind".
When I saw the first episode, I didn't like the series. However, this second one was just funny enough to gain my appreciation.
Freemans mind is very good!
Ali G would say: REPSECT MAN! this is really awesome, right now i'm not sure whats better - if civil protection or freeman's mind, but they are both excellent!! Please keep doing such a wonderful stuff - i'd love to see tons of episodes of both series;))
you forgot to mess with Magnusson casserole in the microwave!!! I hope you know you just created a paradox!!!
This was the Episode that got me hooked. You are so funny. Gordon freaking out with the scientist back talk was so funny.
You're really funny. I would love it if you finished the entire half life game.
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