Also I'm trying to update the website to look better and have links for subtitles and stuff, but so far blogspot seems to be creating issues for the people helping me. Nobody was available when I made this post either, so it took me about 45 minutes to figure out how to post all those thumbnails neatly since I don't know html. I guess that's kind of like trying to get directions to the U.S. Embassy building in a foreign country where you don't speak the language.
You should look into getting your own domain and a Wordpress theme developed. Much nicer imo :)
Cool screens, I could never do that kind of thing (not my area!).
wow, now i understand why its so hard to produce work like that :o!
that must be pretty dificult doin that stuff but is it easy to learn?
and also, what program do you use to even make those movies :O!
Why all those paths? You can have an actor move to any named entity in the world with a MoveTo event...
Those vids are cooooool! Please keep them coming!
Can you make these Mp3s so the audio can go on Ipods?
oh.. it look very hard..
cheer up!
Wow. That stuff looks hard. Well keep up the good work.
i am doing a spanish translation of the subtitles i hope you let me continue doing that because i like the show and i wanna help, also i posted the first episode in the blog, i will apreciate any critics or comments about my translation.
Hello mr. Scott. If you remember, I am czech interpretor of subtitles. I sent you my czech subtitles for episode 1,2,3,4 and I wait for your scripts for Ep5. I made czech copy of your blog, so if you make international CP web page, you can put my link to page. http://civil-protection-cz.blogspot.com/
I hope that you don't stop make on CP. It's best machinima what I now. It looks very hard, but keep up your work, please.
And sorry for my mistakes, I'm still learning English. Translations are easy, but grammar is more difficult for me.
Yeah, I know how hard it is. When I first took a look at Valve Hammer Editor and then saw your first Episode, I was shocked to see you could do that.
Glad you got your computer working, but tell me, do you duplicate the maps and remake the next scene and put them together in your Video editor? Or do you do all the scenes and animations in one shot?
I spent some time trying to get into Hammer but didn't get very far. I wouldn't worry about not handling HTML very well if you can make Machinima as complicated as this.
Haha Hammer actually isn't complex.
For instance all those yellow dots define the path where the fast zombies have to run.
info_target's make it easier for CP to shoot z's and z's to find CP.
All those funky theatric logos are for the choreography scenes.
And that green light thing is the light. In this case the monitors light. Oh and that green dude is the spawn point.
Nothing complicated. Right?
Now choreography is something that I just can't figure out.
tom edwards: those have a lot of limitations, which I learned in episode 1. They only move in straight directions one at a time with an unnatural pause in between changes. Also they can't negotiate things like the curb to a sidewalk. Finally, those aren't actors using them.
mr freeman: I think the demand for that is pretty low. You can probably figure out how to do that yourself anyway.
copycat & bursoft: Whenever I can get the website updated, I'm going to put a subtitles section where I'll post everything people send me for different languages. Sorry it's taking so long.
otto: They're all split up into separate maps for various reasons. This episode used the fewest yet, only 3 maps. The longest was episode 2 which used 14.
anonymous dude: What is complex is getting it all to work neatly. It's not that any one part of it is complex (for this episode anyway), it's that there's a couple hundred individual aspects of the episode to manage. The info targets aren't for the zombies, they're for directing the attention of Mike and Dave during scenes. Care to guess what the logic entities are for?
hey ross i have a question for the fourms that you made
i want to make my own fourms too but i see you used 1# free forum hosting ...
is it safe just its hard to trust free things because i have gotten so many virus in the past via email i just dont want any more plz help
Wow.. So from what I grasp you actually have them speaking in scene? I always figured you shot it and then just played the edited video over a few times recording the voices. That is how they do it in hollywood and I think it would save "some" time. But whatever works for you is fine with me. Unless im mistaken and that is how you do it. The little speakers throw me off.
f12bwth,speech is essential for choreography animation in face poser.
Face poser actually creates lip sync for characters with lips,and for characters without lips, speech helps to choose the gestures.
In Hollywood they actually record audio before creating animations for the carttons, and animate to audio and voice actors' emotions.
In movies,they do use microphones and capture sound when they can, they use voice overs and separately record voices when it is impossible to keep out the noice, which is often.
Also. It is possible to create directional noise and voices.
So there is echo and other aspects that make the sounds more realistic.
hi mike, I saw your videos on youtube and you left pretty good impression on me lol, please contact me on "gamercro@hotmail.com". If you want we can talk about CP-movies or being partners in developing if you need help, and if oyu don`t have partners. btw, I am anonimous because im not registered user :)
Ok im not a very techy person and cant find a way to get the sound into a mp3s to go on my ipod. These civil protection stuff is so cool it can keep meat in it for a month and i want to hear it anywhere. I will be in debt to anyone who makes these mp3s.
Mr. Freeman, I'll do it. I mean, I would give you instructions but I'm worried you wouldn't know what the heck I'm talking about.
Give me your E-Mail address so I can send you them. Mine is: otto.hostile@gmail.com
Ross: Fourteen? Wow, that's a lot. Nice work! :)
I said the file with the spanish translated subs was in the blog, but it was posted in the forum sorry for the mistake, and also i will be posting episode 2 translation later this afternoon.
By the way Ross you are doing a great job, keep going!!.
Ye a personal site would be kewl.If needed i can help on a rookie leveled site :)
anonymous people:
-I didn't make the forums, a volunteer did and he's the admin too.
-one of you is right about movies, having the audio in-game makes syncwork far easier, in fact I think synching alone would become much harder in post processing. I use ambient sounds and things like reverb in post, but try to put as much in-game as possible. The game engine already processes the audio in 3D, does a lot of the work for me.
-you can enter in names besides anonymous without registering. I'll see about help, right now I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing since managing everything can be almost as much work
Ok, thank you My email is Lobowolf64@aol.com
Hello, Ross.
I'm a big fan of your buddy film, and I really want to translate and make a Korean subtitles.
I know there were a guy who made some Korean subtitles for episode 1~4, but there is no update.
If possible, can I get a script of halloween episode?
My mail is ahnmyrrh@gmail.com
Thank you. :)
Can we expect any Christmas Related episodes coming out soon?
What happened to original Halloween episode?
please tell us what program do you use..i have to see it with my own eyes:D
Looks like the classroom set that we made for our CS:S machinima.
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