Tuesday, April 01, 2008

New Series

Due to an overwhelming number of requests and the amount of production time involved, I’ve decided to discontinue Civil Protection and will be filming exclusively in Halo from now on. To kick things off, we’ve a made a pilot episode for a currently unnamed new series, so be sure to check it out:

Youtube version:

High quality version


Anonymous said...

I hope to god this isn't true.

Anonymous said...


akuyume said...

I'm calling your bluff on this. 04/01 special edition of CP. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice April fools day joke.

Anonymous said...

A roof spill, I slap floor.

Anonymous said...

Thank God its April first or else I would be shitting bricks.

Anonymous said...

Why Halo 1 why not 2 or 3 ???

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! just one or two more episodes, PLZ!!!! i love Civil Protection!!

Alex Gryson said...

While of course I'll still watch it (it's the scripts that are classic) I have to say that I'm a little miffed. Every man and his dog does machinima in Halo. That's not a good reason on its own not to do it yourself, but civil protection isn't civil protection if it doesn't have any civil protection officers in it! I don't mind waiting for the next ones, and you can always chuck out smaller faster comic style ones a la "Concerned". Ah well, end of a glorious era.

Anonymous said...

This just blew my mind. EXCELLENT JOB.

Anonymous said...

the only reason i watch your clips is cause of freemans mind and civil protection.

Anonymous said...

Ahahaha, good thing to post on April the 1st.

Anonymous said...


You can't ditch CP!!



Anonymous said...

This is an aprils fools joke right......

PLZ says its true i love CP

Anonymous said...

It already has a name: Red vs Blue.
C'mon man, why stop civil protection?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Either you're kidding b/c it's April 1st, or u jus dissapointed a ton of ppl. but since im at school i can't watch vid so mayb its good? Idk, i jus hope that if ur serious, it bttr be good!

Anonymous said...

erm...April 1st?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha nice Joke!!

Anonymous said...

April Fools!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget guys, it's APRIL FOOLS!

Bursoft said...

Good joke, Ross, but today is 1st April and this is BIG FAKE, isn't it. But I scared :D

Anonymous said...

NIce April Fools joke guys.

Anonymous said...

Please don't discontinue CP! I've been looking around at Machinima and have found that the only two that stand out are CP and Freemans Mind, in that order! Please don't leave it!

Also aren't there enough Halo Machinima episodes out there?
Why not make some good HL ones! C'mon!

-A huge Fan!!-

Anonymous said...

*sigh* I hate April Fools Day.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait. Sooo much better than CP or FM.

Anonymous said...

lol its his april fools joke for this year. i remember last's years joke lol

Anonymous said...

April Fools. Please say April Fools. Pleeeeeeeease.

Anonymous said...


pritty good

Anonymous said...

Yeah April the 1st. You got me on this one man *lol* ... I was like "What the FUCK is he totally MAD!"

Anonymous said...

Civil protection was great, but Freemans mind kicked it's ass no question.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. And such a perfect day to post this too.


Anonymous said...

April Fools... in my experience you don't believe a word anyone says online on this darkest of days. Halo indeed !

Gareth said...

ROFL!!! Had me for a minute there!!! Till I realised what day it was :P Was this a jibe at RvB? Hehe. Shame on you!!

Anonymous said...


Chris said...

Added to my things that make you say, "WTF?".

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love April fools day?

Anonymous said...

Man, first you cry you can't finish CP because of Freeman's Mind and now you wanna stop it ???

Oh c'mon ... this blog is afterall called Civil Protection, ain't it ???

Bursoft said...

It is joke, Ross. I don't trust, that you discontinue CP. It's very popular. This new is BIG FAKE, isn't it. Because, today is 1st April, joking day.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hehe fooled me for a second >.<

Good one

Anonymous said...

Nice! I thinks its a really good choice to use halo 1 as a filming source. Plainly becuase its retro :).

Anonymous said...

it's funny how people read stuff like this, take it seriously, then look at the date and smash their foreheads against the keyboard

Anonymous said...

No, no no, no ,no.

Dave and Mike kicks ass.
Please, at least finish the ones in production.

Anonymous said...

heh, nice Apirl fools man, for a split second there near fell for it

Anonymous said...

April 1st, you bastard!

Anonymous said...

I actually fell for that until i finished watching the video.

I cant tell if most of you are being sarcastic, or took this literally O_O

Unknown said...

You all realize this is freaking April Fools day right? Please tell that everyone's just playing along and not really that gullible.

Bursoft said...

Hey man, stop blocking my comments. And i think, one of anonymous is you. Don't cheating :-D

Anonymous said...

It's brilliant! A pearl of short movie format. How do I send it to the Academy members?

Anonymous said...

wow i liked cp but im still betting on the"YHBT lol were not really goona stop it!" P.S. what kind of person is online at 2:43 am ?

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice what day it is?

SevenStar said...

um... its april fools day. nice try. rite? PLZ DONT BE SERIOUS, THAT WAS RETARDED. HALO VIDEOS SUK NUTS

Anonymous said...

The new series looks great and you couldn't have picked a better day (April First) to announce it.

Anonymous said...

Good one. All it needs now is a guy to jump out and yell April fools.

AH said...

Look at the date. If what RS has said in the past is anything to go by he said he wouldn't use halo because of no animation tools.
It's April fools (I hope)

Anonymous said...

nice april fools day prank! XD XD

Anonymous said...

This will be one of my greatest viewing experiences experiences ever!

Anonymous said...

YOU, sir, just won the Internet. Have a great April 1st!

Anonymous said...

April Fools!

Anonymous said...

if you stop civil protection...well that is bad for you..but because it is april 1. then i am laughing now!...but if i dont get the civil protection soon...i will jump of the bridge!;)

SevenStar said...

...its april fools day, nice try... ...rite? rite?? WHERE'S MIKE AND DAVE!?

Anonymous said...

april fools?

Anonymous said...

I hope this is an April Fool!!! Cos that blew....

ThatCanadianGuy said...

Wait, wait wait, this is April first, It can't be true... Can it?

Anonymous said...

I am highly disappointed with this choice...i think you should keep making CP and FM and on the side star t this new series...BUT END CP!!!NO!

You should make a vote to see what the viewers decide...just like you did with FM

Anonymous said...

April fools, boyo!

Gavin said...

Wow. I really loved the subtle humor. This is the kind of thing I've been waiting for in Civil Protection. It also gets to the point much faster than the slow buildup of your other series.

I suppose this means we'll have much faster production? I personally would love to help with the acting, I am good at subtle controller moves like the ones in this video.

It also seems like there's a much more diverse range of maps upon which to work.

Great work! I also loved the voice acting!

PS: I'm selling some great bridges if anyone's interested.

JMV said...

I sure hope this is an April Fool's joke...

Anonymous said...

It's april fools!!

Ridan Krad said...

Best. video. ever.

Anonymous said...

Well this pilot episode sucked ass :(

Just work on CP and FM. :)
I wait for as long as it takes. :D

Anonymous said...

wait a sec....is this a crappy April fools joke!!

Anonymous said...

you can do better realy

Anonymous said...

are u people dumb its an april fools joke.

The Silent Ninja said...

rofl "I Love It!!!"

Dproxy-army said...

i'm pissed that you've left us with holloween safty

Anonymous said...

nice, but please continue cp! It was original and stands out from the rest!

Anonymous said...

awwww... oh wait i get you good one
wonder how long before the rest click

Me 2.0 said...

nice April fools. had me scared a bit there. phew. thank god for April fools day.

Anonymous said...

Well at least I didn't get rick roll'd, agian...

Anonymous said...

nice april fools joke.

Anonymous said...

this an april's fools joke. its april first. Digitalph33r already made the same prank.

Anonymous said...

It's April 1, you clods.
He's not ditching CP >_>

Student C said...

Well, I'm not gonna complain, as that's been handled, but I hope to God that you'll still put enough effort into each episode to keep them as high of quality as CP. I just don't want to see your work degenerate into one of those crappy youtube Machys that don't really have any meaning.

I also remember you talking about your reluctance to open a link to donate to you. Maybe this would feel a bit more worthwhile if you were getting at least some money from it. Open a PayPal donation link. IT is truly worth is if it could keep the original CP alive.

Anonymous said...


Think about the humanity!

Anonymous said...


(I HOPE) :[

Anonymous said...

All you guys that have left comments so far must be joking! You really were fooled by a simple april fools day prank?

Anonymous said...

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Anonymous said...

Seriously, look at the date. Nice April Fools joke man.

Anonymous said...

WTF DUDE!? You ditched a great series and game engine for Halo machinima? You get WAY better vids with source engine, plus CP was probably the best machinima series ever. Wow, great, ANOTHER Halo machinima, just to go with all the other ones out there. Seriously, don't do this.

Anonymous said...

Okay, look at the date and think for a few moments before you say anything else.

Anonymous said...

You ditched CP for this? Three letters for you: W....T.....F

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a April Fool's joke.

Gavin said...

I'm starting to worry that you'll lose viewers... Some people just didn't look at the calendar today I suppose.

Seriously folks... IT'S APRIL 1ST.

No, civil protection is not gone... this is a joke. Like the jokes in Civil Protection.

Joke. April 1st. April 1st... hmm...?

OH!! I GET IT!! IT'S APRIL FOOLS DAY!!!1!!!!11111one

Anonymous said...

Apparently we CP fans don't have calendars...

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of yours. Keep CP and FM, ditch this thing. I didn't even find it funny, it's just like "Oh look, it's one of those Halo videos where the characters are just complete idiots". I know it's not too hard to make Halo videos, and i'll at least watch the first episode of this. IF you can't make all 3, ditch Halo.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, this was posted on April 1st, you people can't seriously believe that Mr. Scott would give up on such a wonderful series!?

Anonymous said...

Welcome to April 1st guys.

Anonymous said...

what video editor do you use? ive always wanted to know how to do the letterbox thing to cover up my hud.

Anonymous said...

April Fools, obviously? Please Ross tell me this is another April Fools joke.
I can't believe nobody until now even thought of it as an April Fools joke.

Anonymous said...

Lol I like how you're not accepting any comments that would tell people that this is a joke.

Actually, it might be a problem, because the more foolish ones that believe this might actually leave.


Ridan Krad said...

Well, Ross, it's certainly clear that the majority of your fans don't check their calendars that often.

Anonymous said...

O_o Of this is your idea of an april fools joke, it isnt very funny . . .
For another thing, halo is NOT the best idea. for one thing, your blog is called CIVIL PROTECTION. For another, everyone I showed CP to L~O~V~E~D it! I cant get them to stop asking me about the next episode! Everyone (almost everyone) will be dissapointed if you stop CP, and you look just like GORDON, not that halo dude that I dont even know his name!
CONTINUE CP!!! >_< (Pleeeaaaassseee ^_^)
(Steam: Mickey)

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed that this was posted on April 1st? COME ON PEOPLE! I highly doubt that such a successful machinimaist (right term?) would ditch a successful, not to mention incredibly well made series on a great game and graphic engine, for a RVB clone.

Personally I love CP. Its like the evolution of machinima to where you have distinct, and highly animated characters, rather then multi coloured Spartans in Halo.

Anonymous said...

Nice April Fools!

Now seriously, we need a new CP out. Pl0x.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dude its april fools day

Anonymous said...

Excellent job with the promo, you almost had me. :D
(Honestly, look at the date this was posted on people. Either this is really bad timing or you've been fooled)

Adrian K. said...

Can you say: APRIL FOOLS

Adrian K. said...

APRIL FOOLS :D (hopefully...)

Anonymous said...

lol o w8 w8 w8.....this is some cruel april fools joke rite???

Unknown said...

omg i hope this is an april's fool joke. I love civil protection.

Anonymous said...

lol. (@ the mass of people who seem a bit too confused)

Ah, some people simply don't keep on eye on their calander nearly as well as they should.


Justible said...

I lol at most of the comments. This is why I love today!!


Anonymous said...

April fools!!! Nice

Anonymous said...

This is Ross Scotts April fools, he's not really discontinuing Civil Protection.

KoreRat said...

Heh, good show. You almost had me there.

Anonymous said...

its called april fools guys

Pwnocchio said...

I love how many people here DONT realize this is an April Fools joke. Seriously, people.

Anonymous said...

Heh, nice one.

Anonymous said...

If it weren't April Fool's I'd bust a cap. Srsly.

Anonymous said...

I think two words sum up the latest post :


( I sure hope so )


.....Right ?????

LaLa 117

Anonymous said...

relax everybody can't you tell the day it was posted? april fools.... lol

Anonymous said...

I think two words sum up the latest update:




Anonymous said...

so pretty much what you are doing is ripping off RED VS BLUE... i think you should just stay with CP...

Anonymous said...

Relax Guys. It is April Fool's joke, I am 99.99% certain.

Anonymous said...

Relax Guys. It is April Fool's Joke

I am 99.98% certain.

Anonymous said...


I am 99.97% sure it is an April FOOL's Joke.

someonero said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
someonero said...

Ditching such project like CP and starting making LAME HALO videos, damn u sunken.. seriously, worst mistake ever, i feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

wow it seems every year no one remembers april fool's day

Anonymous said...

ahahaha that was class. absolutely hilarious, dude!

someonero said...

Wait a second! U added this new on first April... Why didn't I saw the date before, damn...

Anonymous said...

You had me until about late that day. Too bad I already posted 3 comments complaining

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice Ross! Glad to see you're finally striving for a higher production value with a vastly superior game engine. Can't wait to see "Spartan Protection" and "Master Chief's Mind" series following soon!


Ben from Noesis Interactive

Anonymous said...

DAVE............STOP IT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sad part is, this is a pretty good reresentation of most Halo players. I should know, I've been playing for about two years now.

(By the way, did you film this in Custom Edition for PC?)