Wednesday, April 01, 2009



640x480 WMV (17MB)

I changed my mind, I'm not doing any more Freeman's Mind; it's over. I've realized there's no way I'll be able to think up enough material to get through the rest of the game. Enjoy the last episode; it's kind of short, hence the half mark.

I think I'm going to buy a motorcycle and ride across the United States.


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Keith said...

i'm still accepting it....

i still think its a pril fools joke of his.

but if not :( its a cold day on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Please note it is april first and the fact he is user dead iminent meaning he is about to die he will prob open up 11 and have barnys voice clip going hey hes over here or over here and the scientist healing clip and he will somehow edit the map and have the ladder down there to explain how to get up and how they got down

Anonymous said...

If this is an April Fools joke, its a very sad one...

Anonymous said...

please dont leave it like this Ross, see how many fans you've disappointed by trying ti finagle your way out of one of the greatest series machinima has coped out? I mean, you got your shows into magizines even! When was the last time you seen Dude Where's My Mount? accomplish that? Your up there with Red Vs. Blue. If your tired of it, just keep going till about the end of a chapter then announce your takng a break. You've only hit episode 10 and you're already giving up. Ask the people to give you snappy lines they think will sound alot like Mr. Freeman and tidal waves will form. Make another video (not of FM) but of something saying we need assistance here on our ideas. Trust me, it always works.

Max Hamee

qDr said...

Man, your stuff is outlawed as the numberto uno badass addictive drug in me ex-ussr state. Even South Park coupled with House M.D. taste like skim milk now. Oh, one more thing, about them soviet paratroopers, be afraid, be very afraid!!! %)

Союз нерушимый республик свободных сплотила навеки могучая Русь. Да здравствует созданный волей народа, великий, могучий, Советский Союз!!!

I c thro u said...

Lolz Guys! its april fools day! you really think he'd end it that fast!?
Good job Ross fooled a lot of ppl

lol said...

April Fools sucks butt :D

Camazots said...

What? No! Quit being an asshole and make more freeman's mind videos. You no longer have a say in this matter, we all want you to keep going. Maybe all you need is a break. Do some CP videos or just take a good long break from making any movies at all. Let it simmer and think about it for a little while before making this final. Don't make me make "Chief's Mind" or "Freeman's Mind 2" or "The Arbiter's Mind" or something like that just because you stopped. Freeman wouldn't give up, neither should you. With initiative like yours it's a wonder we won the cold war.

Unknown said...

Seriously though guys think it through and it was a great mini epp

Anonymous said...

Now i'm sad, it was my fav series, really.
However, i respect you thoughts on this. But i do think you can put Freeman's Mind on hold and return later on.

Anonymous said...

Now i'm sad, it was my fav series, really.
However, i respect you thoughts on this. But i do think you can put Freeman's Mind on hold and return later on.

Gaz The Fox said...

Please be an April Fools joke.

Please Ross. This is one of the five best machinimas I've ever watched in my life.

Your genious to this show has been never ending. And the humour is perfect. Smupid infact (Smart, yet stupidly funny!)

Please don't stop mate.

But, I can't say the episode wasn't funny. It was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

You need to follow that dream, man. Ride across the United States!

Anonymous said...

Even though it's unfortunate Freeman's Mind is over he probably picked the best. I hope you have fun seeing the world Ross! We'll all miss you!


Anonymous said...

Now i'm sad, it was my fav series, really.
However, i respect you thoughts on this. But i do think you can put Freeman's Mind on hold and return later on.

Anonymous said...

Hey wait a minute isnt´it aprils fools day???
Ah got me

PingZaid said...

Nice Ross

I guess this is some unused footage?

Also nice April fools Joke!

Anonymous said...


Xanatos said...

Can buy a motorcycle with you and do the same? It'll be just like Easy Rider, who wants to be Captain America!

Anonymous said...

Hey its april first its an april fools joke
at least i hope it is

Anonymous said...

that happens went you dont wash your hands after eats some doritos lol!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice ending to a series...but... Are you being honest on ending it, or is this some April fools joke since this blog was posted on 4/1?

Anonymous said...

How come no one on these comments have mentioned the possibility of this being a april fools yet?

You better make it clear whether it is one or not, Ross.


You actually had me for a minute. Until I realized what day it was.

Unless you're being serious.

... :[

Anonymous said...

YEAH! Its about Time!

Dasutin said...

April Fools anyone?

Anonymous said...

Nice episode. And guys, check the calendar date. :D

Lucas said...

I cry tears of sorrow... No more Freeman.
April Fools!

Anonymous said...

I really hope this is just a really clever april fools joke... please... please let it be a joke!

Tayler Sheffield said...

love the comments on this lol...(notes the date)

Anonymous said...

A shame but I understand your decision. I'd rather you focus on Civil protection rather then having half-arsed attempts as Freemans mind.
Oh well, it was good while it lasted.
Good luck with Civil Protection!

Tayler Sheffield said...

love the comments on this lol...(notes the date)

Tayler Sheffield said...

love the comments on this lol...(notes the date)

Anonymous said...

Haha :p I remember last year y'know!

Anonymous said...

Nice april fool's joke

Jack said...

Nice April Fools muahahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

............ favorite series gone *suicide*

Ross Scott said...

Xanatos: Hell yeah, like Easy Rider.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

April Fools!

Anonymous said...

Today is april fools day, just saying.

Anonymous said...

Which day ist today? 1. April ?

Wait, there is something special on this day, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I REALLY hope most of you are joking... i hope you are... or maybe i am just wishing that the fans of freeman's mind aren't that dumb.

Anonymous said...

Plz dont stop at least take a break but dont stop plz dont....

WAIT is this a april fools joke?

the only copycat said...

i dont think he will end this series just like, that by the way its april 1st if no one has noticed yet

Anonymous said...

haha, nice one ross! :)

Anonymous said...

The sad part is, you lose more fans when you do these April jokes.

AlphaTM said...

Oh, my. I must remember to check my calender. What day was it again?

'Nother great episode

Anonymous said...

Uh, guys, check the date.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the moron's who post on here who don't realize that this is an April Fools prank. In fact, it's quite worrying...

Anonymous said...

Oh no!!! :O

Anonymous said...

Dont end the series Scott. Their are a lot of people out their who enjoy "Freemans Mind". If you stop now you might regret it in the future. Their are alot of people out their who are trying to be like you, but you are the only person who can do this. And lets face it, finding out what goes on in Gordens head is always something everyone is thinking about. Think about it.

Unknown said...

nice one.

Anonymous said...

This had better be an April Fools Day joke or I'll be pissed! This stuff is golden!

Anonymous said...

april fools?

Will Macaulay said...

wow april fools you noob

Unknown said...

This better be april fools.

JoeScratch said...

You almost got me there. Until I read the motorcycle part, I hadn't realized it was April Fool's today.

Chris said...

Hey, maybe now you can get back to doing the Halo videos you said you were going to do a year ago from today.

Anonymous said...

Happy April fools day, suckers

Anonymous said...

Oh snap comment approval
Guess this wont get published, huh?

Anonymous said...

Haha People you do know its april
1st right?

Serbdude said...

Nice one Ross ;)

Chuck said...

The real funny is the number of people who fell for it - check the date, guys!

Zman155 said...

He he must have been all the blood on his feet, couldn't get a solid footing :P
Nice one!

Have fun on your new motorcycle btw ;D

Anonymous said...

he he April fools

Amanda said...

people...its April 1st, THINK A LIL BIT! XD XD.

unless its just some cruel joke, hes really ending it, but posted it on April 1st to make us all go crazy O_o.

DirtyBlue929 said...

I think this was an April fools. If not, then I'm going into denial

Anonymous said...

haaaaaaaaaa!!!! nice april fool's joke, i almost took it for reals

Unidentified_Subject said...

line rider pwns!

Anonymous said...

Sweet mother of god, I cannot believe how many people are taking this seriously on APRIL FOOL'S DAY and to top it off are saying incredibly offensive things like "you no longer have a say in this matter". Who made you so entitled?

My vote is that the series should stop just so motherfuckers like that don't get what they want.

Anonymous said...

APRIL FOOL'S DAY you fucking idiots.


(please don't end the series if you ARE serious though, lol)

Anonymous said...

So.. its over, or is it? I feel that this is either an April fools joke, or that it isn't and his Edit about a motor cycle ride across the US is the April fools joke.

Then again they could both be fake.. or... both... be.. real..

Btw, looking forward to seeing what you have done with Civil Protection.

shadowslightfox said...

OK i am sorry but you are all gullible what day is it
its April 1st and what does that mean its April fools day this is obviously not the end.
and now just for the hell of it

S.E.A.L. said...

April fool's plox? kk thx bai :P

Anonymous said...

Goddamn, I forgot it was April 1st.
Feeling pretty stupid right now.

Good joke, Ross.

Wimpoman said...

lol Classic. Nice one Mr. Scott!!!

LuigiWolf said...

wow yall are stupid. APRIL FOOLS!!!!!

Upsilon said...

Well we had a good run.

By the way Ross, I've actually got a motorcycle for sale. Come by and check it out.

Anonymous said...

Lol you make the most awesome april fools jokes.

Anonymous said...

For a second i almost believed you!

Nice one!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Tell me your pulling my leg , have you read your comments there going to freakin' kill uoi

UsodStallion said...

Ross, that honestly was FUCKING genius. Lmao hahaha that was awesome.

Anonymous said...


UsodStallion said...


the x_x at the beginning rocked lol

Anonymous said...

wow don't you guys get it? its april fools day, hes just kidding.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad........ Don't you people know it is April Fools day? LOL

Togky said...

Hey try watching other comdey series and get new material (PLEASE DON'T END IT NOW IT WAS JUST GETTING GOOD)

Anonymous said...


Jack said...

aahhh i figured you out man i dont see my post muhahahahahahh

Anonymous said...

Do you guys realize this might be an april fools joke

JDude said...

Oh my God, are you people for real? Do you even realize what day it is, and the utter abruptness of it all?

It's an APRIL FOOLS JOKE, don't be stupid. Nothing ever "coincidentally" ends on April 1st. You guys deserve to be had if you're actually falling for this.

Oh, and Ross, the "x"'s in the eyes in the title screen is a nice touch, good one ;]

Anonymous said...

dude! do not stop making Freeman's Mind! I love Freeman's Mind! please, I'll write stuff for you myself! please do not stop this series!

your lord and master


Johan said...

April 1st anyone? :P

Anonymous said...

nice april fools day joke

Anonymous said...

You people are dumb. It's April 1st
i.e April Fools.


Ian McClellan said...

How wouldn't ditch their fans for a crosscountry motercycle trip.
Feeling the wind in your hair, blah blah blah....

Anonymous said...

lol, that was great. happy april fools day!

Anonymous said...

Idiots. It's April fools today.

stop losing your shit. god.

sfmcrfuller said...

LOL dont you guys get it its April fools hahahahaha you guys are funny well ya i bet he is jidding hahaha you guys should have thought it through haha

Anonymous said...

i posted a while ago "say its april fools please" or something on that idea and i dont see it here so are u filtering out anyone saying april fools just to mess with people and u'er waiting for tomarow to say it if you're really stuck and in the future you want to continue it i'd be fine with gordon sliping in the blood and dreameing he fell please say april fools please

Anonymous said...

lol obviously april fools joke. I've seen this one too many times.

Unknown said...

Note: April 01, 2009.

Take the hint.

Anonymous said...

So.. its over, or is it? I feel that this is either an April fools joke, or that it isn't and his Edit about a motor cycle ride across the US is the April fools joke.

Then again they could both be fake.. or... both... be.. real..

Btw, looking forward to seeing what you have done with Civil Protection.

Merrick Simms said...

Don't worry guys, it's just a joke.

Andy said...

Hmmm. It is kinda odd that you would stop the series. The lore you've set up is quite intriguing, and as such the initial concept of "Freeman's Mind" (that is, a voice for a man who has none) has since become irrelevant. It has become more of a "Ballad of Gordon Freeman," as such - well, there's NO reason NOT to wing a fake ending where everything's happy and malarky and he gets back home etc. But meh, haven't watched the video yet (at school) so I'll probably change my mind about that. ^^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Check the date on the post and video, dummkopfs! Are you all stupid?

Anonymous said...

This is all part of the gag, right? I mean, it's Ross posting all of those WAAAHH RAGE comments, surely.

People can't be this stupid.

Anonymous said...

errrrrr april fools day people?

Otto said...

This big a response in so little time must be a record.

Nothing I can say that hasn't already been said... it's a crying dang shame. :P

Anonymous said...

Oh my god...some people think you actually....haha!

Anonymous said...

Oh sh*t, oh sh*t, oh shi----!!!

(lol) see ya tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Your ending touched my very soul. It it brilliant. It deserves an emmy

Anonymous said...

Clearly this is an April Fool's joke...

Doug said...

Ahem, has no one noticed? April 1st? Fools day, no?

Anonymous said...

No! I don't want to see this end!

Anonymous said...

although i did see your material getting low maybe you could just take a break then get back in the game with a fresh head and a new start take a break you deserve it get that motorcycle!, and if you just can't get back into ehhhh to bad i guess, good job anyway as short lived as it was i would say you accomplished a lot and showed you have lots of creativity and very funny ideas!, but if you stop a bunch of crappy 15 year old's will imitate you and make dubs like this and they will suck and nobody will be able to stand them and they'll just piss everyone off that was my 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

No, man!

Ross Scott said...

Upsilon: Awesome, where are you

Anonymous said...

you should win an award for most people owned on april fools day.

Anonymous said...

April fools!

JB said...

Thank goodness its April 1st. I'd have to kill myself otherwise.

Anonymous said...

why why why must u stop!!!!!!!!! IT CANT END!!!!!!!!!!!!! its toooooo awesome

Unknown said...

Its just an April Fools has to be... it has to be.

FM is one of the few things that bring joy to my life, DONT END IT!

MNWRPBigDog said...

Hm... I'll believe you stopped with it um... when I don't read it on April fools :v

Way to go... and I notice it says "Dead immanent" not something like vital signs lost.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody else realize that it's April Fools Day? I just read through about 90% of the comments and no one brought that point up.

Anonymous said...

Okay, seriously, guys, I'm usually not into the whole "hey, lookit me, I'm commenting and snarking everyone else", but seriously?

You people need to buy a calendar.

Go find someone and ask what today's date is. Then come back.

PinkyKillerCat said...

Mmmmm.. chees powder... HQ version rox, I couldn't see the ladder on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I must say these comments are pretty amazing and humorous to read. Well, anyways... Good luck with the motorcycle. (*wink*)

Anonymous said...

Uh... doesn't anyone find it a little coincidental that he's telling us that he's going to stop doing Freeman's Mind.. on APRIL FIRST?!

Cama Zots said...

Red Vs. Blue lasted a hell of a lot longer than Freeman's Mind, and your better than everyone at Rooster Teeth put together. You can do it...
I have been writing stories for the last two years and sending them out to my friends. They never gave me the support that everyone here has given you, and is willing to give. You have no idea how good your fan base really is. I with all due respect QUIT BEING SUCH A WHINNY LITTLE BITCH, IF I CAN DO IT SO CAN YOU. You came into people's lives and brightened up their day with your antics. You touched the lives of strangers and made their days just that much more meaningful. You have done what I have been trying and failed at all my life, now you just want to give it all up? What right do you have...
For everyone of us that leaves a bad comment there is at least 10 fold greater that think the opposite.
I hope you seriously reconsider what you're doing.

Victoryismine52 said...

AWESOME!!!! Best April 1st I have ever had! I gotta say this is my favorite episode of Freeman's mind YET! Please have him all freaked out that he respawns Like WTF didn't I just fall down there.... OOOO I'm God!!! Personally I think you should have him die a few times thru out the series.... will you go to Black Mesa (Source) When it's released or stick with Half life source?

BionTimeWorks said...

This might be an April fools Joke. In his video blog post he said that he may go on a motorcycle and travel across the US. That is definitely to drastic of a change from making youtube videos and getting money from it to traveling across the country. This is screaming "April Fools." Besides, why did he call it episode 10.5 and not episode 11. It was posted on April Fools day so it is a dead giveaway. I could be wrong but I doubt it.

Victoryismine52 said...

Wow I am so Shocked that This works every year for you. I thought your public would be smarter than that.... guess not!

Anonymous said...

april fools is a fun day, don't you think? All the people of the internet freaking out about just about anything anyone says to them. This is fake. And to all those who believe it, next time you find information, check the date. If it's on April 1st, March 31st, hell, any day near April Fools day, immediately recognize it is bogus, and wait a few more days for accurate information to surface. If it turns out that it's true, then oh well, no big deal. But noone in their right mind will say anything important or make any big announcement on April 1st that's true. If it's worth mentioning, it's worth waiting a few days so people will actually believe you.

Anonymous said...

something tells me that mr freeman isn't going out "Boba fett" style

by that I mean Like a bitch

either way lookin' forward to the next CP keep up the good work

Kyle said...

April Fools....right....?


Anonymous said...

this better be a april fools joke because i like this show it makes me laugh

Jessi said...

I certainly hope that one or both of your decisions are April Fool's jokes.

But if not, I enjoyed what you've done so far! <3

Sir D said...

I hope all of you are joking. IT'S A FUCKING APRIL FOOL'S DAY JOKE!!! Jesus Christ, is everyone on this site a mindless vegetable that has no sense of time or space?
My God, I had no idea that the IQ of the Internet was this low!

Matt said...

I'd love for more episodes. Why not just skip to midway important parts in the game and do it? That would be a lot better than starting from so early. Please. At least for the fans.

Anonymous said...

Why? I realize that its your series so you have the right to end it whenever you want, but so many people love this series. This series has virtually made you a celebrity on Youtube and, so why abandon it now? I agree with the other people here, maybe you need a break, because I realize that you may run out of jokes due to the high concentration of them in each episode.

...wait, is this an April Fool's joke? Even if, I am being totally honest in the above text.

Stromz-Productionz said...

Come on Mr. Scott!! Ever since i saw episode 1 ive been hooked! Please don't end it here, your a smart and funny guy you can push it! I believe in you!

Unknown said...

More like Freeman's Mind: Episode 10.25!

See you tomorrow. Good Trick.

Anonymous said...

hey does anyone else know its APRIL FOOLS DAY

Darklee said...

HAY Guys what day was the video posted? XD

Unclever title said...

Happy April Fool's Day Mr. Scott.

Anonymous said...

April fools!

Anonymous said...

Aha! I was right! You aren't posting my comment because I thought this was an April Fool's Joke. I was the one who said:

"Why? I realize that its your series so you have the right to end it whenever you want, but so many people love this series. This series has virtually made you a celebrity on Youtube and, so why abandon it now? I agree with the other people here, maybe you need a break, because I realize that you may run out of jokes due to the high concentration of them in each episode.

...wait, is this an April Fool's joke? Even if, I am being totally honest in the above text."

Nice one Mr. Scott, you had me fooled for hours. I never noticed until i typed my previous statement. Can't wait to see the reaction from people when they find out.

Anonymous said...

"Why? I realize that its your series so you have the right to end it whenever you want, but so many people love this series. This series has virtually made you a celebrity on Youtube and, so why abandon it now? I agree with the other people here, maybe you need a break, because I realize that you may run out of jokes due to the high concentration of them in each episode. ;)

Upsilon said...

Ross: Wisconsin. Somewhere near the middle, really small town, starts with "M".

Anonymous said...


I think people were more aggressive in comments last year when you "canceled" the CP series.

I think with ranting and things last year April fools was more believable.

(Just to make sure this does not get published ahead of times)

April Fools, APRIL FOOLS, APRIL 1st

Rofl trolled said...

"This is all part of the gag, right? I mean, it's Ross posting all of those WAAAHH RAGE comments, surely.

People can't be this stupid."


Anonymous said...


You see those lights in the distance.

It is not fireflies , this is an angry mob with pitchforks and torches.

Repent. Rethink you wicked ways.
FM must live. LIVE> LIVE!!!!!!

IT IS ALIVE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

April 1st, you idiots.

Anonymous said...

If this is april fools joke Ha ha Very funny But if Its not then it was a terrible choice cause freemans mind was the best.

Edshar32 said...

Did anybody notice the fact that today is April Fools' Day? He's probably joking. Freeman's Mind will continue yet!

Solocitizen said...

Great. I might as well unsubscribe from Machinima and remove this site from my bookmarks page. I haven't been this disappointed since Firefly got cancelled. Way to go Ross Scott, Gordon Freeman can go down in history with all the other unfulfilled characters as far as I'm concerned. This motorcycle thing sounds just like what Juanquin Fenix did on the Letterman show.
I seriously hope you're joking.

Anonymous said...

Nice April Fools Joke

pING said...


Ping said...

Ah yes, blog owner approval for these comments.... VERY CLEVER ROSS SCOTT

Anonymous said...

Ross Scott your the best person ever since i watched your first episode 1 would really hope if this is a april fools thing but it aint is it? i hope you change your mind some day i really hope you can come back

Anonymous said...

Nice April Fools, when the end of 10.5 came i was like O______O that CANT be the END lol

DONT END IT said...

You cannot end the series Ross. Freemans mind is the only thing that keeps me alive, its my heart, and without it me and a probably a hundred others would die. Don't. End. It. We. Beg

Anonymous said...


btw why dont you ask for people to send ideas of stuff that you can use and use it on the other episodes that you would make if you continued it.

like if you cant think of it. ask for ideas and that way everyone can pitch in. by your choice lol.

freemans mind was probably the funniest thing ive seen. my best friend and i used to watch it on youtube on separate pc's and we would call eachother. then we would start on the same time and watch it together off the internet. and we did that from episodes 1-10.


Anonymous said...

Maybeeee its an april fools joke! it was put up APRIL FOOLS DAY! i hope that it is

tomcat said...

he did comment about "future" episodes in his last post about it being darker so wouldnt u think that posting this at 2 in the morning on the first of april when less people are on make it sound like this is an April fools joke. besides hes working on a new CP episode and his website so wouldnt u think that he wouldnt have enough time to travel across the US.

Anonymous said...

Um, seriously, guys.
Have you EVER heard of April Fool's Day?


Anonymous said...

Um, seriously, guys.
Have you EVER heard of April Fool's Day?


Anonymous said...

Listen Ross, I know how life is, It Can get hard to find time for things, but... You Should Make a website, All about FM
and put a donation button on there, that way you will be getting money for your hilarious
Series! It's WAY better Than Civil Protection And i Hope That You said you were gonna stop as a joke for april 1st... Just, Please don't Stop Yet... Someone else said that he Should go to xen and Kill the Devil. (The Devil Is The boss of xen) So try to keep it going, ok?

(Please Excuse My Spelling)

Anonymous said...

You guys know its april 1st right? lol Nice one ross

Anonymous said...

... You guys are idiots.

It's fucking April Fools Day. No one would seriously announce something like this on April Fools Day.

Jon Paul Faulkner said...

I just now remember what day it is I bet you just pulling a April fools joke on us HA HA HA! I hope your joking that lest. :-)

Unknown said...

My god there's a lot of stupid people on the internet.

ZeroTron said...

omg dont leave teh series ros. i <3 u alwys.

matt said...

Hahaha april fools, your awesome too man!

matt said...

No seriously, April fools. Your the best dude.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aaah... brilliantly funny!

See ya tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

nooooo he just got the shotgun!!!!!!!!!!!!

btw great 4/01 joke, been waiting for it for a long time:)

Anonymous said...

Good thing there isn't a day where people play jokes on other people......oh wait..

Qman358 said...

:( why would you kill the BEST series you've made? no offense but i like it better than CP!!! (i like that one a lot to tho)if you need to take a break, ok. i can wait a couple months. or however long you need. just, please don't end it!!! or at least get to the grunt part!!

and i'm sure you will think of something for the whole game, if not the fans could help.

MrPwnzor said...

Lol. April Fools!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I freaked out until I realized that it's still April 1. HA

Anonymous said...

Amazing how many people don't know about April Fools Day.

Anonymous said...

I implore you not to take the path you have chosen, for it is littered with strife and hardship. Please continue Freeman's Mind, I know that there is a possibility that he may be still alive... Please do not give up, those with weak minds give up, those who do not think they can do it give up, NEVER GIVE UP! Giving up is admitting failure... it is admitting that you give up on us, your audience, your support. Do NOT give up.

Verdugo said...

"This is all part of the gag, right? I mean, it's Ross posting all of those WAAAHH RAGE comments, surely.

People can't be this stupid."


Stromz-Productionz said...

Wow. Possibly an April fools joke? though this didnt come out today, it came out on the 31st

Camaz zots said...

Omg, it's April 1st.
I just realized that.
I feel like a complete idiot.
You sonvabitch Ross Scott

Listen up everybody, this guy doesn't deserve a donation.
You're a real class act, Ross. A real fucking class act.

Anonymous said...

So Ross, I know that it's a trick since you didn't publish my comment, but really. If it isn't you putting those comments there you are going to loose a large part of your audience. way to go. and by the way you may have wanted to do a more tasteful/original April fool's joke.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I cant believe everyone is falling for this glaring April Fools Joke :) Joke's on you sukkaz :)

Unknown said...

I think you should make a vote like for the CP subtitles! Pls post a vote onto your website! I'm sure you will find out that it will be a good idea to continue...BECAUSE IT'S JUST AWESOME! I'm sure everybody is crying because you stopped FM. You have made almost a half-way throught (to encourage you)!
In summary, a vote will be a good idea, thx.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha Nice APrils fools joke

theditor said...

I remember a few years ago now right about this time when the Civil Protection took down your site for a day, Ross...

Anonymous said...

Holy ****! When you stopped hiding the April Fools comments, there are now nearly 400 comments! This shows how many people watch your show Ross.

Anonymous said...

Oh also, I was wondering why my comment never appeared! You sneaky bastard Ross. XD

Anyway good luck with the show!

[GLOCK]bora said...

Dude, Ross nice prank, i pretty much knew from you're history of this day, hahaha you sure got a lot of people and I had to say the vid was pretty believeable, unlike a certain halo video... but anyways, great work on CP and FM looking forward to new episodes as soon as you're ready to release them, keep up the great work!

and to everyone who didn't get the joke (especially those of you who have been fans for more than a year)


Anonymous said...

Just making the comments an even number.

Anonymous said...

wow 400 comments

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